Monday, August 17, 2009

7 Friends

I know you guys have been waiting for your pics. Here they are, well four of them, there are about fourty more and they are wonderful. How could they be anything but great with such beautiful models? You girls are all so amazing. I'm going to really miss you as you go on with your lives. All 7 of these girls were such good friends in high school and continue to be friends a year later. They are such good friends that they wanted a last picture before they all went their seperate directions. Thanks so much for letting me take them for you, it was so fun to be there. Hope everything goes well for each of you. Do good and be good. Love ya, Sis. T (Okay, now I think I'm going to cry!)

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Beautiful Wedding

The last week of July I had the opportunity to take this cute couple's wedding pictures at the Idaho Falls Temple and also their reception pictures. They were so cute and excited. The day was great and the pictures are amazing. I chose to post the pictures along the beautiful fence because I love the fence there. Thank you so much you two for letting me be a part of your day. Best of everything to you, you deserve it.